Bologna Country Update: Denmark

Legal Framework

Due to the multifaceted nature of Bologna implementation in Denmark, a steering committee – the Bologna Follow-up Group – comprised of representatives of the invested ministries, agencies, institutions and organizations has been set up. The legislative basis for the study programs at universities and other higher education institutions in the university sector is the University Act of 1993, which authorizes the ministry to lay down regulations for the programs. The act does not contain provisions regarding the structure and content of the programs. This has now been made statutory in Act no. 403/2003 on universities, which lays down the degree structure for university programs.

1. Easily Readable and Comparable Degrees

2. Degree Structure

3. Credit Transfer

Danish Higher Education Grading Scale
Danish Grades ECTS Grades Description
13 A Exceptionally independent and excellent performance
11 A Independent and excellent performance
10 B Excellent but not particularly independent performance
9 B Good performance, a little above average
8 C Average performance
7 D Mediocre performance, slightly below average
6 E Just acceptable performance
5 FX Hesitant and not satisfactory performance
3 FX Very hesitant, very insufficient and unsatisfactory performance
0 F Completely unacceptable performance

* University Copenhagen [1]

4. Mobility

5. Quality Assurance

6. Promotion of European Dimensions in Higher Education
