Bologna Country Update: Estonia

Legal Framework

The higher education system is binary and consists of universities (ülikool), applied higher education institutions (rakenduskörgkool) and vocational education institutions (kutseöppeasutus) in both the public and the private sector. In 1999, extensive reform with regard to curricula and transition to a new system of stages of studies commenced at universities, which was first applied in the academic year 2002/2003, after amendments to the Universities Act were passed by parliament in 2002. The changes that have occurred in Estonia in the course of the Bologna process have primarily been directed at the system of qualifications and towards supporting mobility. The general principles of legislation are determined in the Universities Act (1995, 2002) and in the Applied Higher Education Institutions Act of 1998. The Vocational Education Institutions Act of 1998, the Private Schools Act and the Adult Education Act also regulate some aspects of higher education.

1. Easily Readable and Comparable Degrees

2. Degree Structure

3. Credit Transfer

Estonian Higher Education Grading Scale
Grade Percentage of Knowledge Estimated Equivalent in ECTS* Description Estonian/English
5 or A 91-100 A suurepärane / excellent
4 or B 81-90 B väga hea / very good
3 or C 71-80 C hea / good
2 or D 61-70 D rahuldav / satisfactory
1 or E 51-60 E kasin / sufficient
0 or F 0-50 FX/F puudulik / insufficient

* Equivalencies as proposed by the Ministry of Education

4. Mobility

5. Quality Assurance

6. Promotion of European Dimensions in Higher Education
