Bologna Country Update: Austria

Legislative Framework

The higher education sector in Austria is currently undergoing a fundamental process of reform. The reform movement started in 1993 with the implementation of the University Organization Act, which promoted greater institutional autonomy, more efficient management structures, and introduced institutional evaluation of study programs. Under separate legislation in 1993, Austria adopted the binary system by permitting the establishment of fachhochschulen (universities of applied science), which have flourished ever since. In 2000, the University Accreditation Act was passed to regulate and legalize private and foreign higher-education providers. The Universities Act of 2002, which amends and replaces the 1993 laws, has furthered quality assurance procedures with a commitment to create a unified national system for accrediting all institutions of higher education under the Austrian Agency for Quality Assurance.

The amendment of the University Studies Act in 1999 and the implementation of the new Universities Act in 2002 created the legal basis for introducing a two-tiered system of bachelor’s and master’s degrees, which are currently being established over a ten-year period in accordance with the provisions of the Bologna Declaration. The amendment of the Fachhochschule Study Act became effective in 2002 and provides the legal basis for the bachelor/master degree structure at universities of applied science. All newly introduced study programs are required to comply with the reformed structure. ECTS [1] (The European Credit Transfer System) and the Diploma Supplement have also been introduced within the provisions of the 2002 laws.

A monitoring committee, set up by the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, tracks the implementation of the Bologna reforms in Austria. The first report was published in 2001. The second one will cover the academic years 2001/02 and 2002/03 and is due to be published in summer 2004.

1. Easily Readable and Comparable Degrees

2. Degree Structure

The Traditional System

The New System

Stage I:

The majority of first-cycle (bakkalaureus) programs are three years (180 ECTS) — six semesters – in length. In addition, there are a small number of engineering and science programs that are 3.5 years (210 ECTS) – seven semesters – in length. The Bakkalaureat is awarded to students who successfully complete the required coursework and pass the Bakkaureatsprüfung (final exam).

Access to fachhochschulen first-tier programs is based on the Reifeprufung/Matura or on the Studienberechitigungsprüfung for non-secondary school leavers, or a relevant professional qualification in combination with certain additional examinations in subjects of general education. The fachhochschule bachelor programs last six to seven semesters, including one practical training semester. Successful completion of the program leads to the Bakkalaureat (FH).

Note: The old diploma programs are still being offered in some fields such as engineering and medicine. These programs require a minimum of five years of study leading to a diploma (e.g. Diplom-Ingenieur).

Stage II:

The master’s degree program is 1.5 to 2 years in length (90-120 ECTS credits) leading to the academic degree of Magister. Currently, new second-tier magister programs are being offered in parallel with the integrated four- to five-year magister. Whether or not a program is offered as a two-tier or one-tier program is dependent on the individual faculties offering them and whether or not they have transitioned to the new system. The magister is considered equivalent whether earned through the four-year model or through the 3+2 / 3.5+1.5 model.

Stage III:

The doctoral degree requires one-to-two years beyond the magister or diplom degree. Candidates must defend a written dissertation and pass an oral exam. Those who successfully complete all the requirements for this final phase of higher education are conferred the title of Doktor.

3. Credit Transfer

Austrian Higher Education Grading Scale
ECTS Grade % of students normally achieving the grade Austrian Grade Definition
A 10 1 (Sehr Gut) Excellent: outstanding performance with only minor errors
B 25 2 (Gut) Very good: above the average standard but with some errors
C 30 3 (Befriedigend) Good: generally sound work but with a number of notable errors
D 25 4 (Genügend) Satisfactory: fair but with significant shortcomings
E 10 4 (Genügend) Sufficient: performance meets the minimum criteria
FX 5 (Nicht Genügend) Fail: some more work required before the credit can be awarded
F 5 (Nicht Genügend) Fail: Considerable further work is required

University of Salzburg [4], Faculty of Law
Steyer Fachhochscule [5]

4. Mobility

5. Quality Assurance

6. Promotion of European Dimensions in Higher Education
