University Rankings: Latin America

MBA Rankings

The Chilean-based business magazine, América Economía [1], compiles an annual ranking of global master of business administration (MBA) programs based in Latin America. The ranking seeks to organize Latin America’s MBA programs based on the potential benefits and overall worth of each degree to a professional looking to advance in the business world. Institutions are initially selected from a sample of 75 universities known for the general quality and global focus of their MBA programs.


From an initial survey designed to collect the essential information pertaining to each MBA program, América Economía developed a rubric of the principle variables that determine the ranking of each university’s MBA:

  1. Evaluation of full-time MBA programs 2004-05
  2. Corresponding percentage of applicants accepted (selectivity) to programs of distinction and the average GMAT score of the last incoming class
  3. Evaluation of the presence of each institution within Latin America, strategic alliances with other institutions and strength of the institution’s global network
  4. Innovation within the content of the curriculum, incorporation of new concepts, teaching methods and programs of study
  5. Number of foreign students participating in the full-time MBA program
  6. Institutional prestige from the perspective of professors at MBA programs in Latin America, the United States, Europe and Canada (based on a separate online survey completed by 361 professors in the aforementioned regions during the month of June, 2005)
  7. Program value; total costs of the degree in relation to living expenses, books, etc. corresponding with the average salary of students upon graduation

Each variable is weighted equally in determining the final results.

Latin American Business School Ranking (2005)
Ranking (2005) Institution Country Ranking (2004
1 INCAE Costa Rica/ Nicaragua 1
2 Universidad Católica de Chile Chile 2
3 Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez Chile 4
4 Egade – Tec de Monterrey, Monterrey Campus México 3
4 ITAM – Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico México 5
6 Universidad de Chile – Graduate School of Business and Economics Chile 8
7 IAE – Austral University School of Business and Management Argentina 8
8 Universidad de Chile – Industrial Engineering Chile 7
9 Coppead – UFRJ Brazil 9
10 Universidad Gabriela Mistral Brazil 10
11 Tec de Monterrey – Mexico City and University of Texas at Austin Campuses México 12
12 Iesa Venezuela 15
13 Universidad de los Andes – Business Administration Colombia 15
14 Fundação Dom Cabral Brazil 14
15 Universidad Torcuato di Tella Argentina 13