International Students: Who Are They? What Do They Want?


Hosted by the American Council on Education (ACE), this webinar features WES’ Chief Knowledge Officer, Dr. Rahul Choudaha, and other leading experts from the field, including representatives from the College Board, Institute of International Education, and American Council on Education. Note: this is a paid webinar.


For many U.S. colleges and universities, recruiting international students is a key component of overall strategies to advance comprehensive internationalization. While demand for U.S. higher education is strong worldwide, the field of institutions seeking to attract talented international students is expanding – both in the U.S. and abroad.

At the same time, the demographics and other characteristics of internationally mobile students are changing. In order to attract a diverse pool of students who are well prepared to succeed in their unique campus context, institution leaders need to understand who today’s international students are, where they are from, what they are looking for, and how they choose a U.S. college or university.

In this webinar, leading experts who have tackled this task will present innovative and in-depth analyses of international student data from a variety of sources, and explore its implications for institutions’ recruitment strategies and on-campus support practices.


Note: this is a paid webinar.