Education in Ethiopia

Stefan Trines, Research Editor, WENR This education profile describes recent trends in Ethiopian education and student mobility and provides an overview of the structure of the education system of Ethiopia. Note that some websites linked as sources in this article may be intermittently inaccessible.  An…

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An Analysis of the Strengths and Weaknesses of Ethiopian Higher Education

Kate Ashcroft and Philip Rayner The Ethiopian Government gives higher education a central position in its strategy for social and economic development. This has some advantages (for example 40 percent of the education budget goes on higher education) but also disadvantages. Ethiopia has radically expanded…

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Challenges Facing Ethiopian Higher Education

Liz Reisberg and Laura E. Rumbley, Research Associates at the Center for International Higher Education at Boston College, U.S. Ethiopia is one of the poorest countries in the world. More than three-fourths of the nation’s primary economic activity involves small-scale agriculture, not only highly inefficient…

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Ethiopian Higher Education: Expansion, Dilemmas and Quality

By Dr. Philip Rayner & Prof. Kate Ashcroft Background Higher education has only been available in Ethiopia to most qualified school leavers since the early 1990s when the current Government, the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) led by Meles Zenawi, overthrew the hard-line Marxist…

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