WENR, Nov./Dec. 2001: Europe

Romania Scoala Postliceala Sanitara Craiova a Recognized Nursing School The Romanian government recognizes all diplomas from the Scoala Postliceala Sanitara Craiova, an accredited state institution of allied-health education. This is a one-year supplementary program; admission requires a recognized diploma de bacalauret. In Romania, training courses…

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WENR, Nov./Dec. 2001: Middle East

Egypt School Curriculum under Reform Efforts are once again under way to reform the national school curriculum in Egypt. Under the leadership of the National Center for Curriculum and Instructional Materials Development, primary and preparatory texts have been revised, and secondary texts are now undergoing…

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WENR, Nov./Dec. 2001: Russia & CIS

Russia Islam on the Rise The Russian Islamic University, founded in 1998, currently enrolls 148 students from both Russia and neighboring countries. The growing demand for Islamic education in the region appears to be a by-product of the lifting of religious constraints following the fall…

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Education in Saudi Arabia

By Robert Sedgwick, Editor, WES VIEW OUR LATEST PROFILE ON EDUCATION IN SAUDI ARABIAThe Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was founded in 1932 and occupies about four-fifths of the Arabian Peninsula. It is bordered on the west by the Red Sea; on the north by Jordan,…

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WENR, Sept./Oct. 2001: Africa

Regional African Women Do Not Receive Equal Access to Education Women in sub-Saharan Africa are far from winning the battle for equal access to higher education. The main reason cited is the failure to implement policies at the primary level. The average literacy rate for…

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