eWENR, Jan./Feb. 2001: Asia Pacific

China Agricultural distance-learning programs broadcast on radio and television are providing agro-science and technical knowledge to farmers in rural areas. The Central Agricultural & Broadcasting and Television School, the country’s leading provider of these programs, has trained 5.5 million farmers over the past 20 years…

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eWENR, Jan./Feb. 2001: Middle East

Lebanon Oakland University recently launched an online MBA program for students in Lebanon. It is the first American, online program to be offered in any Arab country. Oakland County in Michigan is home to 179 Fortune 500 companies and also has the largest Lebanese community…

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eWENR, Jan./Feb. 2001: The Americas

Regional Ministers of education from almost 50 Latin American and European countries convened in Paris last autumn to sign an agreement aimed at establishing common ground on which to foster greater cooperation in the various areas of higher education between the two regions. In an…

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eWENR, Nov./Dec. 2000: Europe

Austria Austria’s Ministry of Education recently announced plans to introduce tuition fees for the 2001-02 academic year. University and high school students demonstrated in Vienna and other academic cities to protest the decision. — The Times Higher Education Supplement Oct. 20, 2000 France France has…

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eWENR, Nov./Dec. 2000: Africa

Botswana The government’s decision to discontinue nonmilitary national service in April has resulted in a shortage of university places. Nearly 20,000 students, including those studying abroad, applied to institutions of education in Botswana this year, overwhelming university admissions. The University of Botswana was able to…

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