WENR, November 2016: Africa

Uganda: University Protests Escalate

Lecturers and students at Uganda’s nine public universities have staged protests over the past few weeks and months. Lecturers are protesting lack of pay, while students are protesting a variety of grievances. Makerere University and Kampala University are among those most deeply affected.

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Alike but Unequal: Quality and Credentials In China’s International High School Sector

Last year, Chinese undergraduate enrollments in U.S. colleges and universities outstripped graduate enrollments for the first time ever. The quality of those students’ secondary schooling is directly relevant to their impact and experiences on campus. WENR offers an overview of the good, the bad, and the fly-by-night landscape of China’s international high schools to help institutions better manage their enrollment pipeline and student success.

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WENR, October 2016: Middle East

Saudi Arabia: Student Mobility Drastically Curbed By Scholarship Cuts

Forecasts predict that the number of Saudi students in the U.S. will fall through 2020, when the King Abdullah Scholarship Program is scheduled to expire.

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WENR, October 2016: Europe

U.K.: Post-Brexit Brain Drain Predictions Quantified

The German Academic Exchange Service has warned that British withdrawal from the European Union could lead to losses of up to 15 percent of academic staff.

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WENR, October 2016: Africa

South Africa: Widespread Protests Affect Operations at 17 Public Universities

Final exams scheduled for October may be cancelled if violence continues, creating a major financial burden for lower income families who have to pay for an additional semester or year in order for students to obtain a degree.

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