International Student Mobility Trends 2015: An Economic Perspective

By Alejandro Ortiz, Li Chang, Yuanyuan Fang, Research & Advisory Services, WES International students contributed almost $27 billion dollars to the U.S. economy in 2014, which corresponds to a 12 percent increase versus 2013 ($24 billion). The growth has been driven largely by students from…

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Malaysia: Shifting Mobility with Branch Campuses

Alejandro Ortiz, Research & Advisory Services, WES Malaysia became a mainstream international higher education player in the late 1990’s after the government introduced a series of policy shifts aimed at liberalizing its higher education system. As a result of these reforms private education boomed, expanding…

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Sub-Saharan Africa as an Emerging Market for Millennial Students

Zhengrong Lu, Research & Advisory Services, WES The World Bank projects that regional GDP in Sub-Saharan Africa will grow more than 5% annually between 2014 and 2016, ensuring that it remains among the fastest growing regions in the world. While students from Sub-Saharan Africa in…

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Brazil: Pathways for the Future

Alejandro Ortiz, Research & Advisory Services, WES In 2013, the number of Brazilians studying in the U.S. increased by 20% from the previous year (IIE, Open Doors 2013), making it one of the fastest growing source countries for international students in the U.S. Despite these…

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