Brazil: Pathways for the Future

Alejandro Ortiz, Research & Advisory Services, WES In 2013, the number of Brazilians studying in the U.S. increased by 20% from the previous year (IIE, Open Doors 2013), making it one of the fastest growing source countries for international students in the U.S. Despite these…

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Testing English as a Foreign Language for University Admissions

By Nick Clark, Editor, World Education News & Reviews According to recently released figures from the OECD, the number of students enrolled outside their country of citizenship more than doubled in the period between 2000 and 2012, to a total of approximately 4.5 million. Of…

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Scholarships Drive Growth in Students from Kuwait

By Zhengrong Lu, Research & Advisory Services, WES The number of students from Kuwait in the United States has been increasing at a double-digit growth rate each year since 2007. According to the Institute of International Education’s (IIE) latest Open Doors report, Kuwait became a…

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The Booming International Schools Sector

By Nick Clark, Editor, World Education News & Reviews The demand for an English-medium international school education has been growing at a steady clip over the last 20 years to the point that the sector brought in an estimated US$34.4 billion in 2013, up from…

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