The Bologna Process

by Robert Sedgwick, Editor, eWENR A Europe of knowledge is now widely recognized as an irreplaceable factor for social and human growth and as an indispensable component to consolidate and enrich the European citizenship, capable of giving its citizens the necessary competences to face the…

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Implementation of the Bologna Declaration: Germany

by Robert Sedgwick, Editor, eWENR German unification in 1990 ushered in an educational reform program aimed largely at superimposing the West German system of higher education over the eastern system. Some of the changes included updating technical standards, increasing enrollments and downsizing faculty and staff…

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Island Programs: Myths and Realities in International Education

by Leon Hanouille, Ph.D., CPA, and Peter Leuner, Ph.D. From the U.S. perspective, direct placement into the educational system of a host country has been the traditional means of providing students opportunities for foreign education. Related programs date back to colonial times and found their…

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Indonesia’s System of Education

by Robert Sedgwick, Editor, WENR VIEW OUR LATEST PROFILE ON EDUCATION IN INDONESIAThe Ministry of Education and Culture is responsible for Indonesia’s four main divisions of education: primary and secondary education; higher education; culture and out-of-school education; and sports. Primary education, which is both free…

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Diploma Mills Go Digital

by Robert Sedgwick, Editor, WENR Buying a degree from a diploma mill reminds me of a scene from the 1960 movie The Rat Race, which portrays a naïve out-of-towner (Pete) trying to make it as a musician in the Big Apple. Desperate to spark a romance…

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