WENR, September/October 2003: Africa

Regional Conference Focuses on Tertiary Education in Sub-Saharan Africa In September, tertiary education experts from Sub-Saharan Africa met in Ghana to discuss the problems of declining academic standards, limited budgets and increasing pressure to admit an ever-increasing number of students. The three-day conference was sponsored…

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WENR, July/August 2003: Africa

Regional UN Launches Online University The Global Virtual University (GVU) was launched June 17 with a view to ensuring that developing countries have a hand in the new information and communications technology explosion. GVU will promote an international network of equal-partner universities and institutions delivering…

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WENR, May/June 2003: Africa

Regional Donors Assist Virtual University’s Third Phase African Virtual University (AVU) is currently raising funds for its programs, which aim to provide quality and cost-effective education in sub-Saharan Africa. In April, the school raised US$21 million from an international conference in Marrakech, Morocco. In addition,…

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WENR, March/April 2003: Africa

Regional Report: E-Learning Holds Promise in Africa In a region of the world where access to traditional education is hampered by poverty, political conflict and a lack of teachers and infrastructure, public-private arrangements are bringing e-learning to thousands of Africans, according to a recent report…

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WENR, January/February 2003: Africa

Regional International Donors Set 7 Nations on Education Fast-Track Representatives of the international donor community agreed recently in Brussels to help seven developing countries in Africa and Latin America make their education plans a reality. Work is now proceeding to build the required capacity and…

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