eWENR, March/April 2000: Newly Independent States (Regional News)

Kyrghyz Republic The Bishkek Humanities University (BHU) currently offers two types of degrees: The first one is the Diploma of Specialist and the second one is the bakalavr. BHU has been issuing the former since 1994. The bakalavr degree is being awarded to students for…

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eWENR, January/February 2000: The Americas

Canada According to statistics published in a recent study, New Brunswick’s institutions of education offer more online courses per capita than any other province or state in North America. According to TeleEducation NB, the distance education arm of the New Brunswick Department of Education, which…

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eWENR, January/February 2000: Asia Pacific

China A total of 2,300 Chinese students and scholars will be selected to study abroad this year. The Ministry of Education is also increasing the number of scholarships allocated to students destined to study in the United States and nine other western countries. In addition,…

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eWENR, January/February 2000: Middle East

Egypt President Hosni Mubarak outlined plans to computerize Egypt’s education system during the country’s first conference in information technology (IT) held last September. The Ministry of Education, in coordination with the Regional Information Technology and Software Engineering Center (RITSEC), recently furnished 2,000 schools with IT…

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eWENR, November/December 1999: The Americas

Honduras In a landmark decision last week, Hondurasí Supreme Court repealed the law that regulates the amount of tuition and other fees private schools and colleges are allowed to charge per student. The decision was undertaken thanks largely to the efforts of FENIEPH, an organization…

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