Higher Education Reform in Pakistan

By Lubna Shah Anwar, Educational Consultant at the US Embassy in Lahore, and Nick Clark, WENR Editor Over the past four years, Pakistan has increased its spending on higher education by more than 700 percent and the government appears determined to reverse years of underinvestment…

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Regional Accreditation Initiatives in Central America

Introduction Responding to huge growth in demand for tertiary-level studies across Central America in recent decades, universities and colleges have been opening in ever increasing numbers. The response has mainly come from the private sector, however, and has occurred with very little regulatory oversight. Traditionally,…

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Accreditation in Latin America and the Caribbean

This edition of World Education News and Reviews continues our review of the development of accreditation procedures in higher education throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. In this issue the focus is on two Caribbean nations: The Dominican Republic and Cuba. These two countries should…

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Developments in Central Asian Higher Education

By Sharon Powell, WES Coordinator of Resources Development The collapse of the Soviet Union had a profound impact on the education systems of Central Asia. Drastic cuts in funding; the cessation of directives and guidance from Moscow; the repatriation of Russian administrators back to Russia;…

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Accreditation in Latin America and the Caribbean: Dominican Republic

La Asociación Dominicana Para el Autoestudio y la Acreditación (ADAAC) La Secretaria de Estado de Educación Superior, Ciencia, y Tecnología (SEESCYT) Background The Dominican Republic’s institutions of higher education are accredited by the Dominican Association for Self-Evaluation and Accreditation (ADAAC). Established by national law and…

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