University Rankings: Chile

Qué Pasa Rankings University rankings have been published annually for the last six years in Chile by Qué Pasa, a weekly newsmagazine. Qué Pasa publishes various rankings with tables ranging from the very general “university prestige” to the specific “best architecture program”. One of the…

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University Rankings: Switzerland

Swiss Up (in association with L’Hebdo newspaper) In a similar vein to the rankings produced in Germany by Die Zeit and CHE, the SwissUp ranking offers students the option to create their own university ranking based on their desired study options and the quality indicators…

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University Rankings: New Zealand

Performance-Based Research Funding (PBRF) Traditionally, government research funding at postsecondary institutions has been distributed based on enrollments of equivalent full-time students. This system is currently being phased out in favor of performance-based funding, similar to Britain’s Research Assessment Exercise, through an evaluation and funding system…

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University Rankings: Israel

Undergraduate Survey Conducted by a private research firm in conjunction with the National Union of Israeli Students, and now in its second year, a poll published in a pamphlet for prospective students attempts to gauge which schools provide the best atmosphere, academic and otherwise, for…

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University Rankings: Korea

Korean Council for University Education (KCUE) An assessment and ranking of universities was carried out by the Korean Council for University Education, an umbrella group for Korean four-year universities, and published by the Ministry of Education and Human Resources in 2005. The report and rankings…

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