Attracting and Retaining International Students in Canada

Alejandro Ortiz, WES Research & Advisory Services, Rahul Choudaha, WES Research & Advisory Services As is the case in most developed countries, Canadians are living longer and having fewer children. Currently, Canada’s fertility rate is below the replacement rate of 2.1., which, if not addressed, could place…

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Trends and Strategies for Attracting International Students to U.S. Public Health Programs

Yoko Kono, Li Chang, Research & Advisory Services, WES Public health—an interdisciplinary field incorporating biostatistics, epidemiology, health services administration, health education/behavioral science, and environmental science—is one of the fastest growing and dynamic education sectors today, driven by a shortage of well-trained public health workers. The…

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Will Indonesian Enrollment Recover?

Yoko Kono, Paul Schulmann, Research & Advisory Services, WES Indonesia’s economy has weathered the global financial crisis and its GDP has grown approximately 6 percent annually since 2010.  A global giant in terms of population (4th largest in the world), its economy is predicted to…

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Are You Building an Informed International Enrollment Strategy?

Ian Wright, Research & Advisory Services, WES Many international recruitment professionals still place a greater value on high-cost, overseas recruitment than on “armchair” strategies that take advantage of data analytics, technology and online resources. When petitioning for next year’s budget, professionals with such a “20th…

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Could Canada’s International Enrollment Growth Go Cold?

Paul Schulmann, Research & Advisory Services, WES With its high quality of education, affordability, and concerted efforts to attract skilled immigrants, it is not surprising that Canada is a top destination for international students.  From 2008 to 2012, the number of incoming international students to…

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