Education in Turkey

By Nick Clark, Editor, WENR, Ari Mihael, Assistant Director, WES CLICK TO READ OUR LATEST PROFILE ON EDUCATION IN TURKEY There are 81 provinces in Turkey distributed across seven regions. The education system is centrally managed in accordance with laws set down by Mustafa Kemal…

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Meet the Explorers – An Emerging International Student Segment

WES Staff A recent research report by WES Research & Advisory Services divided the U.S.-bound international student body into four different segments – Strivers, Strugglers, Explorers and Highfliers – based on their academic preparedness and financial resources. Given the budgetary challenges currently faced by many public institutions in the…

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Understanding Transnational Education, Its Growth and Implications

Nick Clark, Editor, World Education News & Reviews The dynamics of internationalization are changing. Many of the students that traditionally would have traveled overseas to study for an international qualification are now pursuing foreign degrees in their home, or neighboring, countries at local institutions through…

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