What is the Expected Change in International Applications for Fall 2012?

WES Research & Advisory Services Staff Three out of four international admissions professionals at U.S. institutions of higher education expect applications from international students to increase for the fall 2012 admissions cycle (incoming class of 2013). Of the 202 respondents to WES’ March survey, only…

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Rebuilding Academic Mobility Between Indonesia and the United States

By WES Staff READ OUR LATEST PROFILE ON EDUCATION IN INDONESIA Home to 250,000 people, Indonesia is the world’s fourth most populous country and third-largest democracy, while also being the largest majority-Muslim country in the world. Given these facts, and considering that Indonesia’s economy has…

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Trends in International Student Mobility

Rahul Choudaha, Research & Advisory Services, Li Chang, Research & Advisory Services, WES International student recruitment is becoming integral to the financial health of many institutions of higher education in the United States. The current environment of budgetary cuts and increasing global competition is forcing…

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WES Data Trends Among Saudi Applicants for Credential Evaluation

Yoko Kono, Research Associate, WES Research and Advisory Services, Nick Clark, Editor, World Education News & Reviews Since 1989, information specialists at World Education Services (WES) have been using and maintaining a state-of-the-art credential evaluation database known as AICES (Automated International Credential Evaluation System) to…

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Admitting Chinese Undergraduates

By WES Staff Over the last four years there has been a dramatic explosion in the number of Chinese undergraduate students studying at U.S. universities and colleges. Between 2009 and 2010 alone there was an increase of over 17,000 Chinese undergraduates, more than the total…

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