WENR, December 2016: Middle East

Middle East: New Report Reflects Progress in Educational Development

The 2016 Global Youth Development Index and Report measures indicators such as secondary school enrollment numbers, literacy rates, and the “digital skills.”

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WENR, November 2016: Middle East

Violence and Persecution Plague Universities in the Middle East

Between May 2015 and September 2016, there were 158 cases of violence directed at higher ed institutions in 35 countries (up from 333 incidents during the 4.5 years prior), and 19 violent attacks by militant groups.

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WENR, October 2016: Middle East

Saudi Arabia: Student Mobility Drastically Curbed By Scholarship Cuts

Forecasts predict that the number of Saudi students in the U.S. will fall through 2020, when the King Abdullah Scholarship Program is scheduled to expire.

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WENR, September 2016: Middle East

Iran: Academic Partnerships With the West Take Off in the Wake of Sanctions

Partnership agreements have been signed between three leading Iranian institutions and one of France’s leading universities. A similar agreement with leading Swiss higher education institutions is in the works.

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WENR, July/August 2016: Middle East

Turkey: Government Removes 1,500 University Deans

In the wake of July’s coup attempt, the Turkish government demanded the resignation of 1,500 university deans. The attempt to identify political opponents and quash dissent has reportedly affected more than 50,000 people, many of them students, teachers, and academics.

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