WENR, July/August 2000: Africa

Regional The African Virtual University (AVU), a World Bank-funded project, was successfully piloted between July 1997 and December 1999. During that time, AVU accomplished the following: Established 25 learning centers in 15 sub-Saharan African countries. Provided a total of 2,500 hours of instructional programs in…

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eWENR, July/August 2000: The Americas

Canada Ontario recently became the largest province to legalize private higher education moving Canada one step closer to establishing a competing system for the country’s public universities. The decision comes shortly after New Brunswick province set the wheels in motion to allow private universities to…

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eWENR, July/August 2000: Asia Pacific

Australia The Ministry of Education recently announced plans to provide quality assurance for the country’s 40 colleges and universities. The Australian Quality Assurance Agency will audit data provided by self-accrediting institutions of higher education. Everything from teaching to management and research levels will be duly…

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eWENR, July/August 2000: Commonwealth of Independent States

Belarus As of this year, the state system of higher education in Belarus is comprised of 42 colleges and universities. There are currently 15 private institutions of higher education. At present 243,700 students (out of a population of 10 million) are enrolled in some kind…

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eWENR, July/August 2000: Europe

Bulgaria The government is calling for substantial cutbacks in university admissions to bring graduation rates in line with job prospects. At present there are 263,800 students attending institutions of higher education in Bulgaria, a country which has a population of 8.4 million. Although the overall…

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