How to Obtain Authentic International Academic Credentials

By WES Staff The great majority of students who travel to the United States to study do so at great expense. Their ambition is to further their education and earn the skills and qualifications necessary to help them succeed academically and professionally. But before they…

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Higher Education Reforms in India: Credits, Semesters and Access

Nick Clark, Editor, World Education News & Reviews VIEW WEBINAR ARCHIVE: EDUCATION IN INDIAThe Indian higher education system faces a raft of challenges, among which the issue of access and quality rank near the top. The government has set a goal of increasing the enrollment…

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A Guide to U.K. School Qualifications Offered Internationally

Nick Clark, Editor, WENR Two of the U.K.’s examination boards provide suites of qualifications that have been developed specifically for the overseas market. These qualifications are based on the domestic versions of the GCSE and A level examinations, and are offered by Cambridge International Examinations (CIE)…

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A Guide to the GCE A Level

A comprehensive guide to the structure, assessment, and evaluation of the GCE A Level, the UK’s most common university entrance qualification.

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Understanding Transnational Education, Its Growth and Implications

Nick Clark, Editor, World Education News & Reviews The dynamics of internationalization are changing. Many of the students that traditionally would have traveled overseas to study for an international qualification are now pursuing foreign degrees in their home, or neighboring, countries at local institutions through…

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