Education in South Africa

23 years after the end of apartheid, equity and quality remain the two big stories of South African education. Learn about the overall education system, student mobility trends, and educational qualifications.

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Education in Türkiye

A look at current trends in education and international student mobility in Türkiye. Includes an overview of the education system, a survey of recent changes and reforms, and a guide to institutions and qualifications.

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Alike but Unequal: Quality and Credentials In China’s International High School Sector

Last year, Chinese undergraduate enrollments in U.S. colleges and universities outstripped graduate enrollments for the first time ever. The quality of those students’ secondary schooling is directly relevant to their impact and experiences on campus. WENR offers an overview of the good, the bad, and the fly-by-night landscape of China’s international high schools to help institutions better manage their enrollment pipeline and student success.

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