University Rankings: Canada

On this page: Macleans RE$EARCH Infosource Inc. Top Research Universities List Maclean’s University Ranking The most prominent, influential and widely cited university ranking in Canada has been published by Macleans, a weekly general interest news magazine, since 1991. The annual Maclean’s University Ranking sorts public…

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University Rankings: Latin America

MBA Rankings The Chilean-based business magazine, América Economía, compiles an annual ranking of global master of business administration (MBA) programs based in Latin America. The ranking seeks to organize Latin America’s MBA programs based on the potential benefits and overall worth of each degree to…

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University Rankings: Brazil

National Institute for Education Studies and Research, Evaluation of University Programs — The Provão From 1993 through 2003 Brazil’s National Institute for Educational Studies and Research (INEP), a government agency connected with the Ministry of Education, administered a nationwide examination to all students in higher…

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University Rankings: Chile

Qué Pasa Rankings University rankings have been published annually for the last six years in Chile by Qué Pasa, a weekly newsmagazine. Qué Pasa publishes various rankings with tables ranging from the very general “university prestige” to the specific “best architecture program”. One of the…

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Education in Mexico

By Kevin Rolwing, Assistant Director, WES CLICK TO READ OUR LATEST PROFILE ON EDUCATION IN MEXICOMexico’s education system and its evolution over the last half-century can be characterized by one defining feature: its expansive growth. From 1950 to 2000, total student enrollments in the formal…

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