Accreditation in Latin America and the Caribbean

Introduction Since the 1990s, the issue of quality assurance in higher education has become a focus of governments across Latin America and the Caribbean, and numerous accreditation organizations have emerged as a result. Large-scale expansion and diversification in the higher-education sector has prompted distinct changes…

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Accreditation in Latin America and the Caribbean: Belize

In Belize, an independent organization responsible for evaluating, accrediting and assessing the quality of education at the nation’s institutions of higher education does not currently exist. In order for new universities to be established, or for existing universities to implement new academic programs, institutions are…

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Accreditation in Latin America and the Caribbean: Costa Rica

Sistema Nacional de Acreditación de la Educación Superior (SINAES) Background SINAES, the National Accreditation System for Higher Education, was formed in 1999 as part of an agreement between four public and four private Costa Rican universities seeking to mutually improve and monitor the quality of…

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Accreditation in Latin America and the Caribbean: El Salvador

La Comisión de la Acreditación de la Calidad de Educación Superior (CdA) Background In 1995, the Legislative Assembly of El Salvador passed an education law sanctioning the creation of the System of Supervision and Betterment of the Quality of Higher Education Institutions. The Commission of…

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University Rankings: Canada

On this page: Macleans RE$EARCH Infosource Inc. Top Research Universities List Maclean’s University Ranking The most prominent, influential and widely cited university ranking in Canada has been published by Macleans, a weekly general interest news magazine, since 1991. The annual Maclean’s University Ranking sorts public…

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